Saturday, September 29, 2012

What do YOU want to see?

I am curious as to what YOU, my readers, want to see and read about here on my blog. Just comment on this post, or any of my other posts, with you you would like to see on my blog!

Friday, September 14, 2012

How to organize your make-up table!

This article is a collection of DIY/How-to's for organizing your make-up area.

These are all things that I have found online and just pieced together, I am not sure of the original creator of any, but will post a link to the detailed instructions if there are some!

   This right here is awesome! It's a metal magnet board hung on the wall. You get adhesive magnet strips and cut them to size. You then stick them to the backs of your make-up and there you go! All your make-up is laid out for you without it being cluttered. 

This is also a really cute idea. These are just mason jars that were spray painted silver and they look super cute and work wonderfully!! Could hold eyeliners, mascara, lip pencils, lip gloss, etc.

This is a PVC pipe screwed into the wall. You could do this into the side of a vanity table, the side of a cabinet, or into the wall. Spray paint a cute color and it would be awesome!

 An old entertainment center turned into what is basically a closet! I am hoping to do something like this soon, if I do I will post the how-to with pictures, etc!

  The link for this wouldn't work but it looks like they took a jewelry tray (hence the place for the rings) and turned it into a hanging jewelry box and picture frame. They added three strips of wood across some of the open space. One has tiny hooks for necklaces and the other two are for earrings.... I can't tell if they're notches or something in the wood (maybe a gap on the other side so the other end of the earring goes over causing them to hang?), added a thin picture frame using hinges, and then hung on a wall. I love this!

A magnet strip attached to collect/hold bobby pins so they aren't all over the bottom of your drawer. Can put in cabinet, drawer, etc.

Spice racks hung on the wall to store hair products. Spray paint a pretty color and BAM! It's super cute and frees up counter and drawer space.    

Plastic storage bin re-vamped using scrapbooking paper!
I hope you can put some of these ideas to use!

Until next time!

Back in the Saddle!

         Hi all!! 
  So school is back in session, YAYYYY..... not. Today marks the end of the third week and it feels like it has been going for months already! Four out of my seven classes are advanced, three pre-AP and one AP, the other three are electives and my language, one of which is one semester so for the second semester I will have an AP class in it's place. I though "Freshman year was so easy and I had three pre-AP classes, throwing in 2 AP classes won't hurt!" Oh how wrong I was.

 I had to miss dance on Tuesday and Thursday because I was too tried and stressed out plus I had a lot of homework and today I am sick with the beginnings of a sinus infection. I told myself yesterday that I wasn't allowed to get sick. I don't have TIME to be sick. And what does my self go do? Skipping merrily down the trail of sickness!

 Needless to say, I stayed home today to take medicine and sleep it off, but in the process I am missing part of a project in English, probably a whole lot of AP World History notes, and a French test. All of which will have to be made up by Tuesday, meaning I will have to miss part of theatre practice on Monday to take my test, and then after practice go home and do homework AND make up work.

  The point of this post was not to rant on and on about my stressful life.... well, maybe it was just a LITTLE bit, but to try an help out anyone else who is having the same problem right now.

 For starters the biggest thing you can do to help yourself is to BE ORGANIZED! This means your binder, your backpack, your locker, and your room at home. Keep your binder organized so you are not overwhelmed when you open it up and so that you know where everything is, it'll get a bit cluttered after a while so just sit down for five to ten minutes every now and then and tidy it up. The same with your backpack, keep your load simple so that you can find things. I have a pencil back for my pencils, markers, pens, highlighters, my student ID, etc. I use the small pocket in my bag for money, my phone, make-up, lead, etc. It's good to kind of have a place for everything so that you can find it quick and easy. Your locker is for the same reason, you want to be able to see what's in there, plus it just makes you feel gross when you open it up and its a mess, same with your room. You need a place that is neat and tidy to sit down in and study or do your homework. If it's cluttered you won't want to stay there and you will not be able to focus. When everything is organized you just feel less stressed. It helps me feel like I am in control of my time and not like time is controlling me.

 Time management is ALSO key, get a planner! I got a plain one from Wal-mart that has big enough boxes that I can write my homework for each day, when things are due, reminders, etc in it. It's great! I added a few stickers on there to personalize it a bit so it wasn't so plain. A planner is a great way to help you plan out your time, especially if you are involved in extra-curricular stuff and/or advanced classes. It allows you to see your week in advance so if you have a game Thursday and a project is due Friday, then you know you need to finish it before Thursday.

                                                              Here is my schedule:
Monday: School (We get out at 2:35) then theatre practice until 5.
Tuesday: Same as Monday then dance (ballet, modern, and jazz) from 5:30-8:30 (I am home around 9)
Wednesday: Same as Monday
Thursday: Interact meeting @ school at 6:50, school,theatre practice, and then dance (Turns & elevations,                  and Hip-hop) 5:30-6:30 and 7:30-8:30 (I have an hour between, that is when I eat and do a bit of homework). I am hope around 9.
Friday: Same as Monday and every other we have football games.

 Throw in class officer meetings, etc. and I am a pretty busy person! The earliest I ever get home is around 5:30, doesn't leave much time for relaxing when you have four advanced classes and a french class that you have homework for almost every night. I am obviously still adjusting to all of this BUT being organized and having a planner really does help. Keep in mind that a planner is a tool, you have to use it and keep up with it for it to help you at all.

   Being really organized is extremely new to me, but it's certainly a necessity for me now.
   I hope I helped anyone out there suffering from an extremely full schedule!

Until next time!

If you would like to see an example of an awesomely organized binder check out this video by Ailyxxxfashion on Youtube:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Current mission: Go to College My Jr. Yr.

Yep. You read the title right. My goal is to go to college my JUNIOR year of high school.
There are many school's in the U.S that you can attend your junior and senior year of high school to attain two years of college WHILE finishing high school.
 The school I wish to attend is located in MA. It's Bard College at Simon's Rock. I fell in love with the school instantly! If you are a hard working student, who loves to learn and to live life. Who strives to be the best you can possibly be, I recommend that you check it out!

The estimate of how much I would have to pay to attend (with grants, a loan for me, a loan for my mom, and working on campus) was a little under $10,000, which isn't bad for a school who's tuition is over $44,000. My plan is to go talk to my college and career counselor first thing when school starts back next week and arrange for a meeting with her, my mom, and I after school. My mom is also going to contact a few of her old teachers and see if they would be willing to help me with some of the writing, etc. (not write FOR me, I love to write, but to make sure I understand one of the prompts and to look at my writing and tell me where I need to improve) and see about meeting a family friend to see what they think about the school.

 I am so excited, I don't think anyone could possibly understand how much. I just feel like I'd fit in perfectly at that school. I'd be in my element!

It means a long hard year ahead of me to get me to where I need to be to be accepted and to have the financial ability to attend the school, but I am determined to do what I need to do to have my best shot of being accepted into the school!

On a side note, I look like a lobster after my weekend trip to the beach. It feels WAY worse than it looks! Can't wait for my sunburn to go 'bye-bye'!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Good Shopping Karma!

Went shopping with my aunt aunt and sister today! We found some really good deals!

Dillard's (usually is pretty expensive) is having a sale at the moment. its 30% off (JR.'s clothes, some other stuff is 40%) if it's already on sale.

So I found me a SUPER cute shirt on sale for $17 and bought it for $13.18! It's not a simple shirt either, its a nice more formal shirt. So that was a good deal.

We also went to JCP where if you spent $50 you get like $20 off.

My sister got 3 shirts that cost about $9 each and I got a pair of skinny jeans with a design on the pockets (you know, the kind that are usually like $30) that cost 24.50 all for a lil over $30. Good deal? uh, heck yes!!

I guess we just got really lucky with all of the good deals today!

We also went to another mall earlier this week and forever21 was having a sale where everything that was on sale was a buy one get one free deal. So I got a knit dress, lace leggings and a cardigan for around $20.

Just thought I'd share my finds so you know what to look out for!

Until next time,
 XoXo Echo.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm not afraid to fall in love. I am afraid to fall for something I though was love.

Afraid of

Afraid Of
I'm afraid to let you in,
Because I may like you,
I'm afraid to like you,
Because I may fall in love,
I'm afraid to fall in love,
Because I may get hurt,
I'm afraid to get hurt,
Because of the pain,
I'm afraid of the pain,
Because of the scars,
I'm afraid of the scars,
Because they may bleed,
I'm afraid of the blood,
Because I may die,
I'm afraid to die,
Because I may survive,
I'm afraid to survive,
Because I may let you in,
And the cycle starts all over again.

 By: Ashlie Nicholle Haines

I saw this online earlier and I loved it. I believe everyone can relate to this at some point in their life.
 Heck, I've never been in love in order to be hurt but even I am scared to let someone in. I don't like the idea of laying myself bare to someone (in the figurative sense). Sometimes that worries me, I WANT to fall in love yet I block everyone out. I don't want to grow up and be alone and I fear if I don't break the cycle soon I may never be able to. (which is why I have a date next Wednesday, I may write about how THAT goes).
 So far it could go either way, I'm the type of person who doesn't care for or like all of that mushy stuff yet this guy seems to be one to dish it out... *gag* I even got a "miss you" when I had to log off of facebook the other night. Yikes! 
I'm torn between it being because I am scared to let myself fall in love or that it's because the guys I am surrounded with are annoying and crazy.
 I guess we will see(:
Until next time!
 XoXo Echo

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Road trip to Austin!

I'll post a blog about the whole trip later but this post is just me talking about my sister and I.
 We are crazy when we are together!! On the ride here we waved at random people at stop lights- you should have seen the looks we got! My sister, who we will call Carlz (a nickname she got a long time ago), was singing to a song at one point and using a brush as her 'microphone'. She looked at the man in the car next to us and he just stared like he didn't know whether or not to be scared or laugh his butt off!!
It was hilarious! Lets just say the side of our family that we are visiting is super... conservative? I don't know really... they are really strict with their kids (we are not aloud to say sucks and their older kids aren't aloud to watch certain shows because they don't want the younger one to see things) which I totally understand!  But just think how my sis and I feel. We are both teens and well.... its weird.
In fact we whisper stupid/dirty/or otherwise inappropriate comments to each other every 5 minutes!
 Anyway, so our family doesn't quite get us and I'm SURE we disturbed the adults and baffled and set a bad example for our younger cousin who we were with at the mall today.
 We were eating in the food court when Justin Bieber's "Baby" came on and we started singing and dancing in our seats. Let me just say that this is a first for my sis but the bagillionth time for me. After that "Drive By" by Train came on so we jammed to that. Our little cousin just stared at us with wide-eyed fasination with the public, what was to her  psychotic, outburst.
 For Carlz and I, it was just another Tuesday.
I am the craziest in our family no doubt; I'm a theatre nerd- what do you expect? And I am Happy to say that I am starting to rub off on my sister!!
 My cousin Valerie and I.... we'll.... we're something else haha! I'll save those stories for another time. (:
Until Next time!
XoXo Echo <3

Saturday, July 21, 2012

You have the right to read whatever you damn well please

You have the right to read whatever you damn well please

Read the article!
I find it odd that, in a country founded of freedoms, schools and libraries still have the ability to ban books. Making it harder if not impossible for some people to have access to them.
I am definitely going to look into doing the read-in and try to get my friends involved. If we do have a read-in I will post the pictures and tell you all how it goes!

Amazing dance!

I'll be honest, I don't keep up with TV shows. I was surfing youtube the other day when I stumbled across this.
This is one of the most beautiful dances I have ever seen. I could FEEL it; the emotion, the story that they were telling.
After seeing this; I will definitely start watching SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance).
Just thought I'd share it with those who may not have seen it because I absolutely love it!
XoXo Echo

Friday, July 20, 2012

More Than Just Another Pretty Face

Where to begin? I think I will keep my name to myself for now, that may change in the future. I am a sophomore in high school. I love music beyond reason; I hear it and it's like the beat flows through me; through my soul. I can feel myself rise and fall along with the beat. I can't simply 'listen' to a song and take it at face value; I embrace it and it takes me on a journey as it resonates within my soul. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's the only way I can describe it with words.
My passions include singing, dancing, and acting. What can I say? I was born to preform.
I discovered this last year that not only do I like writing.... but I'm actually good at it. Oddly enough, I have my World Geography teacher to thank for that... I used to think I was horrible.
I am unsure as to where this blog is going exactly.... so we'll have to wait and see how things unfold.
Until next time,
 XoXo Echo